Scholastic Dishonesty


As an Early College school, YECA is committed to ensuring that students receive the preparation necessary to participate in college level courses. Part of this work is cultivating student voice – a sense of authenticity and ownership over one’s own thinking, ideas, and work.  Toward this end, it is imperative that students practice integrity and commit to scholastic honesty. This means respecting your unique perspective and only submitting and taking credit for your own work. 
Scholastic dishonesty is the practice of passing off someone else’s work as your own and/or inappropriately using your own work. Examples of scholastic dishonesty include: 
  • Cheating.  For example, copying from someone else’s test paper; using unauthorized material during a test; collaborating with another during a test; knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, or transporting, in whole or part, the contents of an un-administered test; substituting for another student or permitting another student to substitute for oneself to take a test; bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered; securing copies of or answers to a test in advance of the test.

  • Plagiarizing.  For example, appropriating another’s work and using it as one’s own for credit without the required citation and attribution. This includes copying information from the internet or any other source, and it includes copying – in whole or part – the work of another student.
In the event that a student (or a group of students) engages in scholastic dishonesty, we will follow the NYC Department of Education’s Discipline Code to intervene.  Possible interventions include, but are not limited to: parent outreach, referrals to guidance, conference with school leadership (Assistant Principal or Principal), in-school disciplinary actions, and suspension.
At YECA, we will approach intervention with a leveled approach, as follows:

  • First time – Student will receive a zero for the assignment, and the teacher of the course will contact the parent/guardian and write an anecdotal in Pupil Path.

  • Second time – Student will be referred to guidance for a conference, potentially with the parent/guardian and Guidance Counselor.

  • Third time – Student will be referred to the Assistant Principal.